Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Consequences of Pishing

Phishing is an online technique to fraud you in giving your personal information. The criminals use various techniques to deceives you for example, by using the web sites and emails resembles the well known institution. They usually spam the victims with messages with the intention to acquire the recepients personal info especially the financial information. This crime can gives negative impact wether personally or even within in an institution.

Personal Consequences

Image result for a guy with a worry face lost his money

  • Successful phishers can access victims account and this will enable them to withdraw money or even purchase products.
  • Phishers can open new bank account or apply for credit card account under the victims name
  • Phishers can send viruses to the victims computers

Institutional Consequences

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  • Phishers can access institutional data such as social security numbers, banking information and health information
  • Causing reputational damage and be blacklisted by financial or internet service companies.
  • Wasting the staff time to address on the phishing issues rather than using it for a more productive work

Hence, we need to spread the awareness on the web phishing syndicate in order to avoid the unwanted impact happening to either individually or institutionally.

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