Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Phishing Scam cases

As we already know, Phishing is an online technique to obtain important information of the other party. This activity happens for many kind of reasons and using a disguise as a well known institution method to convince the victims to give out their data.

Below are some of the popular cases happened related to web phishing

1) United Kingdom Phishing Scam

Three man had launch a phishing scam to get the access to the accounts of the bank customers in 14 countries. They stay in London during their scam activities which launched thousands of phishing pages disguising as a banking websites. They were caught in the hotels and the police then discovered that they manage to acquire 30,000 bank customer's details with 70 million customer email address which they used in the activities.

2) Phish Phry

 100 people in 2009were charged by U.S. authorities stealing account details from thousands of users and had transfered around 1.5$ million into a fake accounts. They also found group of fraudsters which targeted the United States bank account holders which then causes them to spend 20 years of their life in prison.

3) The breached of RSA data

In March 2011, RSA face a data breach when they fall into the phishing attack . This then exploited the Adobe Flash.

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